Saturday, December 04, 2004


tvdetective, Fishy, and I met up today for a long anticipated event. TvD and I have been talking for the *longest* time about going down to Miel, the new-when-we-first-started-talking-about-it bakery on 17th, just south of Walnut. For months, we'd had a plan to go the next time both of our bosses were out of the building for the day, but that day never seemed to arrive, and when it did, it was too cold/rainy for the trek. To be honest, i'd all but given up. But today, it happened. Fishy and I met TvD on 22nd street, and together we walked to Miel. The desserts in the case looked just amazing, and we knew it was going to be a tough decision. In a surprising move, Fishy suggested we buy the "Miel Sampler," a plastic covered tray with smaller versions of about 10 different desserts. (thank you, Fishy!) You'd think it would be really expensive, but it was only $18, which is the same cost as getting 3 full-sized desserts, and to be honest, it looked like more food than we could eat anyway. (Even as we left the store, i was trying to figure out how we'd split up the loot we couldn't finish, since we only had one tray to carry it in.) The little lady and I both got small coffees, too. Fishy likes the smell of coffee, but can't stand to drink it, so i got him a bottled water later.

Since there's little to none in the way of in-house seating at Miel, we decided we'd walk a couple blocks over to Liberty Place and sit in the food court. When we got there, though, we decided we'd much rather eat at one of the tables around the balcony on the 2nd floor. It took us a while to get one (and we lost our first one thanks to some jerkoff who probably thought he was better than us), but we ended up with a great seat, thanks to Fishy's sharp eye and fast hand.

Tiramisu, macaroons, apple tart, something we agreed that Fishy accurately described as "butterscotch mixed with something butterscotch isn't supposed to be mixed with", Opera, something chocolate and raspberryish that you might find at the office holiday Xmas party, a cream puff, red velvet something, a berry fruit tart with gelatin (accent on the 2nd syllable), and a few other somethings i'm forgetting. Everything was pretty much fantastic (except that butterscotch creation). And we had no problem finishing everything.

tvdetective was making dinner for Snaps tonite, so she had to get a move-on so she could buy the groceries (and the pyrex dish to bake it in, which we bought from some old guy at KitchenKapers who clearly didn't like her) I walked her to K.K., and then we parted ways at 17th and Walnut and headed to meet Fishy at Borders, where he'd gone to get some work done for work.

Good times.


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